Thursday, October 27, 2011


Today's topic, Zombie Apocalypse. What would you have in your Z-Day protection kit? When first aid and food are a given, what else should come into play?

A special place has remained in my heart for zombies since childhood. I have always had a fascination with Halloween and zombies seem to the the only creatures (except evil people) that extend past the "day of dead." I have been working on zombie disguises, hats, shoes and the like, for sometime. I have mainly focused on adult wear. These are zombie disguises act as a kind of camouflage in case you feel the need to hunt. As silly as it may seem this among other forms of art are a focus to release my creative energy.

Last night I began building a baby zombie hat. I know some of the adults out there are too "grown up" to placed this kind of thing on their child, but I must say people surprise me with their need for individuality. I have had requests for multiple interesting hats from zombie, Yoda, and The Punisher to Deadmau5 and the list keeps coming. I love the creative ideas and will continue to support all.

Now back to your reguarly scheduled program,

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Etsy and Me

Land of Bor3d is new to Etsy and results are still questionable. When asked to describe my items I draw a blank. Of course I know that hat, cap, beanie, scarf should come into play, but I am at a loss for what consumers are going to type in. I am reading all the blogs and trying to get my views up, but I still feel like I am missing something. I take joy in everything I make and I still am constantly in amazement when people look at what I consider art and think "what is the point?."

One of the things I struggle with is trying to explain the differences between knitting and crochet. When questioned about the difference between knit and crochet I find myself "dumbing down" for people. I explain that the difference between the two is two needles vs. one, when truly there is more to it than that. Answer me this, do people really want to know the difference?.

It also seems that the masses think that store bought, factory made, cheap items are of the same quality or better than handmade items. On one side it seems that people are becoming more interested in unique, handmade gifts, but on the other side I don't see anyone dawning these items or placing them in their homes. I constantly debate on the idea of buying a $200 print from Pier One that are no where near "one of a kind" or searching for local art that is unique and refreshing. Reprints feel so impersonal, but every house I go to I see them hanging on the wall. Does anyone else feel this way?

Lost in Thought,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cowls, Cowls and More Cowls

The weather is turning cold, the leaves are falling, and the air smells of fall. The winter clothes will come out of the closet soon and everywhere I turn I see lovely shiny ladies and handsome men in cowls. Cowls are completely in this year and I am in cowl land this week. I am currently working on my third cowl, forth scarf of the week and I can't help but be overly excited/inspired by the lovely colors of fall. As I see these brilliant scarfs I feel the urge to make/own them all. In so many colors these cowls dance upon the necks of lucky individuals and I want to be a part of it.

I will be adding more items to my Etsy account this weekend and among the items will be some lovely cowls, fantastic hats, and probably a fingerless glove or two.

The craft fair madness is in a lull. I am new to this and am fumbling my way through finding appropriate fairs to display my items. I attended two this fall and they were both equally amazing. I have always loved seeing individuals interested in my art.

Thanks again to all that came to the fair.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall Festivals and Etsy Accounts

I will be at the 22nd Annual APPLE HARVEST FESTIVAL this Saturday, Oct 15 - 10am-5pm.
Also I have a new Etsy account.
Check us out

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Shop!

Hello Everyone,

Land of Bor3d now has an Etsy store. After the craft fair last weekend, where I was asked dozens of times where I had an account, I felt the need to open one. And so I have. I only have 5 things posted at the moment, but way more is to come. Thanks to all.

Land of Bor3d Etsy:


Monday, October 3, 2011

New Designs Comming Right Up!

This past weekend was my very first craft fair and it was a success. It had a slow start, but at the end I think all individuals involved were satisfied. I will give a piece of advice to anyone who plans on putting their art out for all to see. Don't take anything personally. Not everyone has your vision. With that being said I will move on to bigger and better things.

I have a few orders for fall and some will be more challenging than others. Keep your eyes pealed for a Deadmu5 hat, a baby Yoda, lady Angry Bird and a piano hat. These are special orders and things that I working on designing now. I will post photos as soon as they are finished.

A special thanks to all customers who came to purchase from us while we were at Oktoberfest in Old Fort NC. You made Katie and I very proud of our work.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I am gearing up for my very first craft fair this weekend. I am not entirely sure what to expect but I hope things go well. I have a display to finish and I need to pack, but then I am off. I want to send out a very special thanks to all the individuals that ordered hats. I appreciate all my customers and want them to know that without their orders this craft fair would not have been possible. You guys are fantastic.

Lots of Love,

Friday, July 22, 2011

Newest Batch of Hats

Ah new hats. I have been working diligently to build my supply of crochet items for the craft fair in October. Night and day I work....well almost. The process is going well and I have about 70 pieces in my collection for sale. I hoped to have 200, but given I only have about 2 months left to finish up for the fair I don't think it will happen. Most of the hats are characters which have taken a lot longer than a regular hat to make, but the upside is that each one is special. I have had lots of fun designing and I hope to sell out :).

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tiny Models

So I have been working on creations and some individuals were kind enough to be models.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Working little by little

I am working on hats as much as I possibly can. Next week is vacation week which should be mega fun, but I'm thinking not really productive. I did, however, have two lovely children model my hats.

Valerie and Sophie Migacz

Monday, April 11, 2011

Advertising and Stuff

I am off to a running start with organization. Fliers are created, tags are made. It's looking awesome. I am behind, however, on my inventory. I have only 45 pieces so far. I am hoping to have lots to take to the craft fair in October so I have to get moving. In the mean time. This is my new flier.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

We are on Facebook too!

Advertising is a beast. I have been working non stop on advertising and making hats for this craft fair. I am hoping to have at least 100 pieces to take to the craft fair and I am at about 40 now. I want to also make lots of fingerless gloves. The fair is in October so these should sell.

Here we are!/pages/Land-of-Bor3d/144476748950748

Land of Bor3d Designs View book

design view bookdesign view bookp2design view bookp3design view bookp4design view bookp6design view bookp5
design view bookp7design view bookp8design view bookp9

Viewbook, a set on Flickr.

I am working vigorously on designs for my hats. This is what I have designed so far.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Up and Running ...Slowly

I've been creating a crap ton of logos and designs lately. I am by no means a professional, but I think I can take care of my own stuff for beginning business purposes. After all this isn't a profession but a hobby. I created some stuff for a 4x4 club I am a member of, I am looking into creating shirts for them among other things. If you care to take a look-sie its

Work and school keep me way busy these days. I am still on the hat making madness kick. My friend Katie talked me into working an October Fest craft show in Asheville, NC. In a nut shell we will both be debuting our crochet items for the public to gawk at and hopefully buy. I think, at least on my side, I just see this as a way to have fun with friends.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Up Date: New Year’s Resolutions

This morning I decided to review my resolutions and give an update on where I stand. It’s March people, and it doesn’t look pretty. My first resolution was to lose weight and tone up. Let me see, oh yes, I have done neither. It’s a pretty pathetic realization. I have hit the gym and cut back on the bad things, but I haven’t lost any weight and I am no more tone than I was. I have to be honest. I could do lots better. So starting today I’m going to try to get on track with this one.

Second: Pay off Credit Card Debt. Ah yes, I am definitely on track with this one. They are moving down quite nicely. I just have to keep whittling away. (this pleases the credit gods I’m sure).

Third: Crochet a Sweater: UGH!. I have crocheted somewhere near 30 hats since January. I know this doesn’t count as a sweater, but these patterns are insane. I am trying to practice and hopefully I will understand them eventually.

Fourth: Stop biting my nails: I refrained from biting for about 2 months. My nails were looking great and I was feeling excited about it. But, one particularly bad week and I blew it all. I had an exam on top of work stress and family stress and I couldn’t keep up. My goal now is to not only stop biting my nails but to try and control my emotional and physical stress. I think, no dwell, too much and this will be the end of me. I am in desperate need of a holiday from my mind constantly. So, my goal is to practice emotional intelligence.

Five: Learn to make Hollandaise Sauce: I haven’t attempted this yet. I know it’s silly, but I still feel I need to make it. One step at a time though. I have been practicing being a better cook. I made bagels this week and they were great.

Here is the update. Ridicule as you will. It is March and I need to get moving.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hats, Hats and more Hats

Despite my relentless headache today I am still in search of ideas for hats and gloves and such. I have made about 24 hats total now and I plan on making many more. Life is hectic though. You never know how much stuff you can accomplish in one day until you pressure yourself to do more than the usual amount. As quoted from a Empire Records "...There are 24 usable hours in everyday". Some of my recent hat ideas have been good, but I feel that there aren't any golden ones yet. I have made cupcakes, spiderman, monsters, animals and the like but I feel I am in need of the classic hats. The adults will require it I'm sure. In ever person there is a childish spirit but rarely after the age of 30 do you see anyone act on it. In lou of that I pledge to never give up my creative spirit...I will continue to watch cartoons, my friends. Because with out smiles and laughter the world is no longer a magical place.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dead Feeeeeesh hat

Can one person ever have too many hats? The answer, my friend, is no. I am on a roll. I have made around 15 hats and a few pairs of fingerless mittens. I am completely stoked that they are selling and that people want to wear them. I would have never imagined that someone would wear my art. Spring is in the air and the sun has arrived. I am ready to get excited about everything again including my art. I have painted a few pieces lately and they turned out beautiful. I have been trying to keep myself busy inside during this never ending winter but now that I see a break in the clouds all I want to do is play in the sun

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ridiculous Hat Making Extravaganza

I am on a hat making craze. My friend Katie requested that I help her at a booth for Ocktober Fest in Asheville, NC this year and I have accepted. I have also received several inquiries and one order for theses hats. I need more ideas for hats though. I am pushing them out as fast as I can but I am short on ideas. I don't really want to copy what is already out there. I would like each and everyone to be original and unique. For now I have to settle on what I have seen and go from there. It is going to be a busy year with lots of exciting things. I have 2 mini vacations and one long vacation planned for my last year in my twenties and it is turning out to be an exciting year so far. Keep your fingers crossed. I just might make some cash off this big adventure.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Seeing as this is turning out to be the longest day in the history of days, I have decided to write a little piece on New Year’s resolutions. Here goes.

I do not make resolutions. I even made a resolution one year to not make resolutions, ergo contradicting myself for my own amusement. Since this hasn’t been extremely profitable for me in the past and I am leaving my twenties behind this year, I have decided this year to go overboard on the resolutions. I am fully confident that I can concur all of these resolutions.

  • First: Lose weight and tone up. Since I moved from SC three year ago I gained 20 lbs. I can stand it and I procrastinate so I am stating this as my goal to get moving and stop complaining.
  • Second: Pay off Credit Card Debt! This should work well because I most likely will not have time to spend money because I will be too busy losing weight and attending to my other resolutions. (It’s my theory no matter how flawed.)
  • Third: I would like to crochet a sweater this year. I have progressed and am steadily moving along in reading patterns. I think I am at the stage right now to try something more difficult.
  • Forth: Stop biting my nails. This is nasty habit I have had since birth. I am an extremely nervous person, but this must cease.
  • Five: Learn to make Hollandaise Sauce. This is something I was planning on learning before I turned 30 and since that’s this year, here I go.

This is all for now. I think five should suffice.