Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Seeing as this is turning out to be the longest day in the history of days, I have decided to write a little piece on New Year’s resolutions. Here goes.

I do not make resolutions. I even made a resolution one year to not make resolutions, ergo contradicting myself for my own amusement. Since this hasn’t been extremely profitable for me in the past and I am leaving my twenties behind this year, I have decided this year to go overboard on the resolutions. I am fully confident that I can concur all of these resolutions.

  • First: Lose weight and tone up. Since I moved from SC three year ago I gained 20 lbs. I can stand it and I procrastinate so I am stating this as my goal to get moving and stop complaining.
  • Second: Pay off Credit Card Debt! This should work well because I most likely will not have time to spend money because I will be too busy losing weight and attending to my other resolutions. (It’s my theory no matter how flawed.)
  • Third: I would like to crochet a sweater this year. I have progressed and am steadily moving along in reading patterns. I think I am at the stage right now to try something more difficult.
  • Forth: Stop biting my nails. This is nasty habit I have had since birth. I am an extremely nervous person, but this must cease.
  • Five: Learn to make Hollandaise Sauce. This is something I was planning on learning before I turned 30 and since that’s this year, here I go.

This is all for now. I think five should suffice.