Friday, August 2, 2013


Fall is coming. It's August 2nd and all I can think about is craft fairs and pumpkins. I have been working on hats and fingerless mittens for the 1 fair I will be at this year. I am repeating the fair from last year in Travelers Rest, SC. It was such a hit last year and I enjoyed all of my visitors.

I will also be opening up my etsy shop again in the next couple of weeks. Be on the look out for new styles and designs. I am so stoked for fall!

I always welcome new, exciting ideas. If you have any please let me know!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The End of Craft Fair Season

Craft fair season came and went so quickly that I didn't post anything for it. Part of me is sad because I don't think I had enough time to enjoy it and the rest is happy because crochet will not be dominating my life for a while. I am working on some holiday items and plan on updating my Etsy account with new and wonderful hats. I have been so lacking in getting that updated. At the end of the day all I have is excuses and a total lack of time.
I other news. I have decided to start my first craft challenge. Usually I just lurk on craft sites and dream about all of the items others have time to create, but this time I have decided to create one of my own. I am working on a Elf on the Shelf challenge though an artist's facebook pages. You can find her and the details here She is a wonderful artist.

I am very particular about my crafting and I am not sold on my first elf. His name is Henry and I think his face is what is giving me fits. He was, however enjoyable to make. 

Still crafting away.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Craft Fair This Weekend!!

One thing about gearing up for a craft fair is that the fear of the unknown is always in the back of your mind. If you were selling items that you didn't make yourself I feel like you would be less attached and there for only worry about making money to cover expenses. Selling things you have worked hard on opens up a new level of worry.

It doesn't matter if it is nerves or excitement each fair is an experience. I am gearing up for the 25th Annual Sourwood Festival in Black Mountain, NC. This will be my first festival of the year and I always worry I don't have enough stock. I have been coming close to making two hats a day for the last two weeks and I still feel that I will run short. I wish I could say that I believe I will sell out, but the fear is actually that I will not have enough for people to look at. I have also been working on displays. My display last year was cute and whimsical, but it had three flaws. It only held three hats, it was large and it was heavy.  This year's display has all new possibilities.

I have two more days of pricing, making, sorting, and organizing everything that I have made. I unfortunately also need to clean and pack. Life it seems is never short on stuff to do.

Ta Ta for now.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mediums and Lots of Them

I've been a little scattered with my crafting lately. Trying to produce for craft fairs is a little tedious at times, but at the end you feel as if you created something and the individuals buying them are giving them a lovely home.

A friend of mine gave me some rather disturbing new the other day. She is a fellow craft artist like myself with a few less mediums but the are increasing rapidly. Last year she was my partner in multiple craft fairs. We spent a year producing crochet hats. Our fairs started off slow, but picked up. Anywho. We were speaking about prices and how you never get what you think you will out of art and she stated that she had seen a couple of people wearing her hats around town. Now, this is usually a treat. To have someone buy your art and where it with pride is better times over than the monetary gain. Problem was the hat was dirty, tattered, and torn. I felt for her immediately while wondering, why would someone purchase art and then commence to destroy it?. With this being said my want to make hats have been a little less lately.

What I have been working on has ranged from clothing to toys to paintings to drawings. I am dying to get outside and paint in the yard. Today is the first day in a long while that it has been absolutely gorgeous. Much to my dislike I have spent it inside working but without working I would not be able to afford to craft and that would be a shame.

I am currently working on what was a hush hush project, but I can't keep secrets for long. I call it project Logan. A couple I know have a 18 month old. She is beautiful and unique. With this in mind and the fact that east Tennessee has an entire lack of beaches I have been working on a take along play place. There is a mat that has sand, water, and dirt areas. I am at this point creating one by one little creatures, people, boats and play things to bring the beach to a park near her. My goal is to have this ready for a park adventure in the spring.

That's all for now.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Crafting...or Just Art in General

I fell like I should starting this blog as if I am responding to a letter requesting advice. "Dear intrigued and suffering,". Not sure why but it seemed fitting.

For the last two semesters I have taken night classes and taken all of my time. I remember thinking "oh great winter break is here and I should be able to do some new and exciting crafts". PFFFFFFFFT. After setting up my Etsy shop and focusing on crochet I realized this was an impossible goal. I was flushed with orders from Etsy and friends and this was amazing, but I think my creativity is now a little starved. I am still placing items on Etsy and still filling orders, but I would like to start painting/drawing/creating again. Something new. My head is flushed with ideas. I would like people to see that Land of Bor3d is more than just cute hats, scarfs, and fingerless mittens.

After all winter doesn't last forever.


Thursday, October 27, 2011


Today's topic, Zombie Apocalypse. What would you have in your Z-Day protection kit? When first aid and food are a given, what else should come into play?

A special place has remained in my heart for zombies since childhood. I have always had a fascination with Halloween and zombies seem to the the only creatures (except evil people) that extend past the "day of dead." I have been working on zombie disguises, hats, shoes and the like, for sometime. I have mainly focused on adult wear. These are zombie disguises act as a kind of camouflage in case you feel the need to hunt. As silly as it may seem this among other forms of art are a focus to release my creative energy.

Last night I began building a baby zombie hat. I know some of the adults out there are too "grown up" to placed this kind of thing on their child, but I must say people surprise me with their need for individuality. I have had requests for multiple interesting hats from zombie, Yoda, and The Punisher to Deadmau5 and the list keeps coming. I love the creative ideas and will continue to support all.

Now back to your reguarly scheduled program,