Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Up Date: New Year’s Resolutions

This morning I decided to review my resolutions and give an update on where I stand. It’s March people, and it doesn’t look pretty. My first resolution was to lose weight and tone up. Let me see, oh yes, I have done neither. It’s a pretty pathetic realization. I have hit the gym and cut back on the bad things, but I haven’t lost any weight and I am no more tone than I was. I have to be honest. I could do lots better. So starting today I’m going to try to get on track with this one.

Second: Pay off Credit Card Debt. Ah yes, I am definitely on track with this one. They are moving down quite nicely. I just have to keep whittling away. (this pleases the credit gods I’m sure).

Third: Crochet a Sweater: UGH!. I have crocheted somewhere near 30 hats since January. I know this doesn’t count as a sweater, but these patterns are insane. I am trying to practice and hopefully I will understand them eventually.

Fourth: Stop biting my nails: I refrained from biting for about 2 months. My nails were looking great and I was feeling excited about it. But, one particularly bad week and I blew it all. I had an exam on top of work stress and family stress and I couldn’t keep up. My goal now is to not only stop biting my nails but to try and control my emotional and physical stress. I think, no dwell, too much and this will be the end of me. I am in desperate need of a holiday from my mind constantly. So, my goal is to practice emotional intelligence.

Five: Learn to make Hollandaise Sauce: I haven’t attempted this yet. I know it’s silly, but I still feel I need to make it. One step at a time though. I have been practicing being a better cook. I made bagels this week and they were great.

Here is the update. Ridicule as you will. It is March and I need to get moving.

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