Friday, November 12, 2010

Nina's Zombie Feet

So It's been a while since I posted and I always mean to post when I have completed something I think is really cool, but as it turns out I don't have a great deal of time. I completed these Zombie feet before Halloween a few weeks ago for my sister. She saw the pair I created and likes so many others wanted a pair of her own. I was ecstatic to build another pair so I did. I think in the future I will try and design a different pair of feet, maybe cartoon summer feet or mummy feet. Who knows? not I. Enjoy Nina

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fingerless Gloves Galore

I've been on a fingerless glove making kick lately. Winter is coming and it is freezing in my office, so my logical reasoning is, I need a pair in every color. I went to Greenville, SC this past weekend and perused the lovely shops in downtown checking out the new trends and such when I came upon these lovely handmade fingerless gloves. Now, I had already began a pair for myself, after finding a pattern online that was extremely easy, but none the less these intrigued me. I can see how handmade items should cost more because love and work has gone into them, but for individuals like me, I look and say "hey I can make those" and I instantly go to work. I have so far made 3 1/2 pairs. I plan on making so many more because they are delightful. I will try and work up a pattern for them, but for now you can just watch this lady make a pair and see how it's done.

Happy Crocheting ~ B

Monday, August 30, 2010

Zombie Feet Complete!!!

So as I promised here are the zombie feet. I wish I could add a tute, but these would really take some art/drawing/painting skills. I purchased a pair of $10 shoes and 5 bottles of fabric paint. Whole project was $20. This will be a cool addition to a Halloween costume though. The fabric paint colors were a dull grass green, crimson, black, white and brown. I used a tiny paint brush for most of the decorating. This project was a lot of fun and took a total of about 4 hours.

Next will be the Pinky and the Brain masks I think.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Zombie shoes and such

So I found this really cool photos of shoes that were transformed into Zombie feet. (well painted to be more exact) I started thinking immediately, I can make these. I must admit finding supplies is going to be my largest hurdle. I have paint, skills, but it's going to be hard to find the right shoes to paint on. Any who. I haven't been working on crochet projects lately. I keep saying that it's too hot, and I have to study for classes, and procrastination is my favorite past time. The truth is I'm bored with it. At least for now any way. I have been scrap booking, but even that gets boring. Looking over and over past memories and trying to preserve. That is why in honor of the up coming holiday season (yes I mean Halloween) I have decided to attempt this wonder feat of creating Zombie feet. I will post photos and maybe even a tute later. That is if it turns out lovely.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Fabric Journals

I've been crafty lately working on fabric journals. All it takes for me now days is to see something a little cool on a crafting site and I get this feeling that I must try it. This was a learning curve. I have to say as tips, measure first. I've been doing this all willy nilly and well I had to take it apart a few times to fix the shape. I am almost finished with the basics of the shell but the design is still going to take a while.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I have been designing a few fliers for my sisters photography business lately. Its fun to play around in the programs. Here are a few samples.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Moving somethings around

I have decided that I need to move somethings around on my blog. I believe that there is a direct need to have multiple to separate out the crafts, cooking, and general chatter. I also have started one just for random thoughts, and one solely devoted to recipes and cooking at I hope you enjoy...or at the very least entertain yourself by laughing at my boredom.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I'm on pause as of now due to class constraints. With my many projects completed this year a break isn't necessarily a bad thing. On a side note I am kind of sad I haven't heard anything from the person the Clemson baby blanket was for. I believe I get too incredible excited about my projects sometimes. I have 2 incomplete projects running at the moment. One is for my niece and is a blanket that I have been working on for nearly 6 months off and on. the other is an ordinary everyday scarf that I hope to finish soon with a hat to go along with it, but we will see.

I had a recent request for a Minnie Mouse hat. I've looked at the schematics and realize that it shouldn't take me long at all to complete. Like say one boring Saturday or a couple of week nights. Which is always awesome when you have time constraints.

At least for right now I am grounded for projects until I finish this paper due Monday. Politics, who writes about politics.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Clemson Blanket...Finally Finished !!!!

Clemson baby blanket finally finished!! I'm not a fan at all, but I thought it would be a nice gesture to create something for a new mother. It took way too long and at the end I must admit cost too much money (yarn is expensive people). I didn't expect to finish this one but felt I had to. I think it turned out well though and was a big challenge of my skills.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What you have been waiting for

From across the sea I stole a hat from a viking while he was taking a pee. Enough with the silliness!

Ok, maybe you haven't been wait for my viking hat, but I'm pretty darn stoked about it.

This had was finished in a record time of 5 hours. When I should have been at the gym, mowing grass, and cleaning house instead I was creating this. it was so much fun and hobbies should be something you enjoy, right? I would post the pattern but I didn't have one and didn't write the stuff down for the horns. Maybe next time.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New Projects!1!

I'm working on a hush hush project. Well it's not really hush hush, but I think it's too cool to spoil before it is complete. It will be awesome (insert I am truly excited about this one!!

On to other businesses. I am still working on the Clemson baby blanket which is taking a hella long time and too much concentration and skill. Gotta love a challenge. The work is tedious, I think it will be worth it in the end. Hopefully it will bring some happiness to the parents or at the very least the kid.

I have recently completed a scarf for my niece for a present. Not sure when I will give it to her but I think it was a rather awesome idea since she is such a colorful person. This scarf was all knitted with a fuzzy, color splash yarn I found at hobby lobby. I think it turned out rather well. (photo listed)

I haven't been cooking anything interesting this week. I am wrapped up, so to speak, with theses projects and trying to finish them in record time.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Single weekend

Well since my "roommate" was out of town this week, I had a single weekend. Was great to relax. I also went on a cooking spree. I had shrimp and artichoke pasta, lamb and turnip stew, roasted chicken with great northern beans, and lets not forget cinnamon, pecan, waffles. It was a weekend of cooking and crochet. I know this seems boring to most people my age, but it is nice to let go, relax, and enjoy the hobbies that I am almost always too busy for. I also worked on the Clemson blanket and am now half way finished. It is coming along pretty well, much better than expected. I will post some photos of it later. For now I guess it's back to work this Monday morning.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thoughts and Processes

I've been trying to concentrate lately on knitting, but I keep getting drawn back to crochet.

I've been dabbling a little lately in clothes. I wish I was better at following patterns. So far I have made one really ugly slipper. (picture posted). I crocheted this little beauty. There is only one, so all one legged people who would like to purchase this one shoe, come and get it.

As of right now I am working on one knitted scarf (photo posted below), the Clemson baby blanket, and a quilted blanket that I have bee working on for my niece for many months now (photo also below). I loose focus with one project and create another. This way, not so boring. On the down side, I haven't completed so many projects this year. I hope to finish the Clemson blanket soon so that I may move on again. These never ending hobbies.

I saw some great shirts and buttons at this website displaying my craft in honor ( So, check these out :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Alright everyone. Here is my first finished knitted project. I would love to put an actual pattern on here but let's face it. I'm not really sure anyone would want to make this. So some things I've learned:
1- Knitting is way hard
2- Pearl stitch is ridiculously hard.
3- Knitting is no where near as forgiving as crochet.

It has been an experience and I plan on keeping up the practice so that I may get better, but for now I think the knit stitch is what I will be practicing until I get the hang of this two needle thing.

On another note I am still working on the Clemson baby blanket and it is coming along nicely. At the moment with exams I lack the time to keep up these projects, but amazingly enough I have completed two with in the last week or so and started a mixed color scarf. I will up load photos of that later too.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Working on Knitting

So here is a few at my first attempt at knitting. Extravagant isn't it *laughing*. I just know the one stitch so far, knit stitch. So far it's going pretty well and I am getting faster at it. I have about three projects running right now and I am constantly trying to start more, because everytime I see pretty yarn I just want to make something new. I am also hoping to learn to make slippers. I think those would be nice to give away this year for Christmas. We will see.

Monday, March 22, 2010

In the Name of Sheldon

I've been thinking lately. Everyone asks me if I can knit as well as crochet and before I've always said it seem way more difficult so I just stick with crochet. A work associate turned me on to Sheldon the Turtle. Sheldon is way awesome and I would love to make one except I can't knit. So I decided to, just like crocheting, turn to to see if there were tutorials to get me started. Guess What!! There are tons. I am going to try my hand at this lovely craft and see if I can pump out a Sheldon, or Super Sheldon, or Captain Jack Sheldon.....check out these links to Sheldon and also the Youtube tutorials I found.



This ladie's whole series seem easy so I have to try it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Clemson Baby Blanket

A friend of mine is having a baby in August. Not too much time to get anything started in the crochet world with all that I've got going on, but I at least had to try. I have been working on this Clemson baby blanket. Her husband and her are both Clemson Alumni so I thought this would be a fantastic idea. I'm doing a half crochet on the entire blanket to provide warmth. Here is the chart i case you would like to see. Also I will post a photo when it is finished.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happenings since December

Gosh it's been a while since I updated this. Time flies at the beginning of the year with all the holidays and running back a forth to visit people. This weekend is my sisters 30th birthday (man is she getting old lol) and for her birthday I NO!, cooking class YES!1!. I will have to blog about this after the class.

So now to what has been going on since December. Well I haven't crocheted a stitch. Partly because of wanting to work on other hobbies and partly because of being slammed with school and work. Well I did complete a painting that took about two weeks, Had a hand injury (dog bite), and made some divine cupcakes. (I will post the recipe later). All in all not as much going on in the ways of creativity. The weather has been not to my liking with the snow and the sun for weeks, but the creative bug will bite again and I will have some patterns, recipes, something to post. Until then you can check out this beautiful Chef.